🌟 🎄️️ 🎅️️ ❄️️️ 🎁​️️ ☃️​️️ 🏂🏿​️️ 🐧​️️ ⛷️​️️ 🥶​️️ ❄️​️️ ❄️​️️ ❄️​️️ 🌟 🎄️️ 🎅️️ ❄️️️ 🎁​️️ ☃️​️️ 🏂🏿​️️ 🐧​️️ ⛷️​️️ 🥶​️️ ❄️​️️ ❄️​️️ ❄️​️️ 🌟 🎄️️ 🎅️️ ❄️️️ 🎁​️️ ☃️​️️ 🏂🏿​️️ 🐧​️️ ⛷️​️️ 🥶​️️ ❄️​️️ ❄️​️️ ❄️​️️

Security, Edge and Cloud Lab

Research Projects

Name Years Type More info
Privacy Enrooted Car Systems - PECS 2023-2026 Horizon Europe/TRUST-NG See Web site
C4SI: Cybersecurity for Smart Industry 2023-2026 PR-FESR See Web site
CRI4.0: Cyber Range for Industry 4.0 2023-2026 PR-FESR  
FuSeCar 2023-2025 PRIN 2022 See Web site
ESCALATION: sEcure and SCAlable cLoud bAsed opTImizatiON 2023-2026 PR-FESR  
DISSEM: Data-driven IT Services for Sustainable and Efficient Manufacturing 2023-2026 PR-FESR  
STEAM Bo.SS - The Boost that Makes the Difference 2023-2026 ERASMUS+ KA220 See Web site
STEM for Future 2021-2024 ERASMUS+ KA2 See Web site
LeTSGEPs: Leading Towards Sustainable Gender Equality Plans in research performing organizations 2020-2023 EU H2020 See Web site
COnceptualising Secure CArs (COSCA) 2020-2022 EU H2020 See Web site
SECREDAS: Product Security for Cross Domain Reliable Dependable Automated Systems 2018-2021 EU H2020 See Web site
Industria 4.0 sicura 2019-2021 POR FESR See Web site
SmartChain 2019-2021 POR FESR See Web site
ASGARD 2016-2020 EU H2020 See Web site
EQUAL-IST: Gender Equality Plans for Information Sciences and Technology Research Institutions 2016-2019 EU H2020 See Web site

Industrial Projects

Name Years Type Partners
TETI: tecniche di crittografia per conservazione digitale a norma 2022-2024 Industrial Research Doxee S.p.a.
Progetto e prototipazione di un sistema di monitoraggio sicuro per dispositivi di biocontenimento 2020-2021 Industrial research INMM
Digital Experience Platform 2020-2022 Collaboration within POR FESR ER Doxee
Miglioramento di processo produttivo ceramico mediante controllo di qualità e ottimizzazione delle lavorazioni 2020-2022 Industrial research Ceramiche Polis
SS4SP Safety and security for smart production 2020-2021 MISE (Centro competenza bi.rex) SACMI, IMA, Imola Informatica
D-SWAP - Distributed Smart Working Application Platform 2020-2021 Collaboration within POR FESR ER NetService
Progetto MISE-Enea "Big Data Integration per la valorizzazione del virtuosismo energetico con tecniche di Blockchain" 2020-2021 Industrial research ENEA
Progetto e prototipazione di un sistema di monitoraggio sicuro per dispositivi di biocontenimento 2020-2021 Industrial research INMM
Dimensionamento di una CDN per il delivery di contenuti multimediali 2018 Industrial reserach 47 Deck