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Security, Edge and Cloud Lab
Riccardo Lancellotti
Associate Professor
Department of Engineering "Enzo Ferrari"
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
Via Vivarelli, 10
41125 - Modena, Italy
Tel.: +39 0592056256
E-mail: riccardo.lancellotti[AT]unimore.it
GPG Key: 0x4B722EBC3C52EE91
Research interests
Current research interests
Fog and Edge computing
Management of Virtual elements in Software-Defined Data Centers
Monitoring in Cloud Computing IaaS Infrastructures
Management of Cloud Computing IaaS Infrastructures
Past research interests
Performance evaluation of multi-tier Web clusters
Social Network analysis
Distributed systems for ubiquitous Web access
Peer-to-Peer systems
Cooperative Web Caching
Content Distribution Networks
Talks and Seminars
Il free software ha conquistato il mondo. È vero? , Linux Day, Modena, Oct. 2019
Performance and energy models in SDN-enabled Fog systems , Meeting InfQ, Jun. 2019
Progetto SAMMClouds , Follow-up meeting FAR 2014, Modena, Jun. 2017
L'Open Source nel sangue , Linux Day, Modena, Oct. 2016
Automatic clustering of similar VM to improve the scalability of monitoring and management in IaaS cloud infrastructures , Seminar at DEIB, Politecnico di Milano, Dec. 2013
"Mai più libri?" , Festival della piccola e media editoria, BUK - Modena, Feb. 2011
"Un pinguino tra i banchi per la diffusione dell'Open Source nelle Scuole" , Conferenza Italiana sul Software Libero, Bologna, June 2009
"Il software e il movimento Open Source" , University of Modena, Feb. 2009
"Ubiquitous and pervasive Web: services and architectures", University of Madrid Carlos III, April 2008 (short course)
"Un sistema di Posta Open Source" , University of Modena, Linux Day 2007, Oct 2007
"A ns2-based simulation framework for performance evaluation of overlay networks" , University of Genova, FIRB WebMinds Meeting, Oct. 2006
"Scalable architectures and services for ubiquitous Web access" Tutorial in WWW 2006 Conference, Edimburgh May 2006
"Sicurezza in rete: vulnerabilità, tecniche di attacco e contromisure" , University of Modena, Linux Day 2005, Oct 2005
"Analisi del Workload e impatto sulla cacheability nei sistemi P2P", University of Genova, FIRB WebMinds Meeting, Jul. 2004
"Intermediary-based service delivery", University of Salerno, Apr. 2004
"Peer to Peer Systems: Workload characterization and Search Algorithms", University of Parma, Feb. 2004
"Architetture distribuite per l'adattamento di contenuti Web", University of Modena, Dec. 2003
"Architetture Two-tier per Web Caching", University of Naples Federico II, Doctorate school, Feb. 2002
"Web Caching Cooperativo", University of Modena, May 2001